torsdag 29. september 2011

Canoe/kayaking on Vannin,

Me and a couple of friends went paddling with a canoe and a kayak from Norwegian Experiences up on Vannin Lake on Lykkja some time ago,

From the rental area there is several channels going to other surrounding lakes and many islands of different size,  lot of them are nice camp sites to get away from the mosquitoes and to reduce the danger of forest fires.
Fishing is allowed in some of the lakes but not all of them and there is much fish around.

mandag 19. september 2011

Via Ferrata.

This summer Ive been working as a Guide for Norske Opplevelser(Norwegian Experiences) in Hemsedal.
The activities are mostly Mountain walks, Via Ferrata, River Snorkeling, Bike Trips and different outdoor teambuilding activities.
Here`s some pictures from a wet day this summer guiding the Via Ferrata.

tirsdag 6. september 2011

Pick-up Camping in Bulidalen.

A long time ago (springtime) Some friends and I went into the Buli Valley(Bulidalen) to do some camping in the sun.
Here`s some pics.